Claremont Insider: Mailbag

Wednesday, September 26, 2007


We got these emails in from a recent candidate Claremont City Council regarding the marijuana news we've posted over the past couple days:

Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2007 20:45:34 -0700 (PDT)
From: "michael keenan"
Subject: What a conspiracy. You sound like a Claremont 400

Dear ClaremontBuzz,

Really love your guilt by association trip with Marijuana Monday's so-called "complete picture." Puts you up there with Best Best and Krieger's report" and using Claremont 400 techniques! Have you puffed a big fat one!

Try something a little more reasonable:

Without access you are forcing patients into the Asian gang direction. What patient wants to buy from any gang member.

Michael Keenan

And this:

Date: Tue, 25 Sep 2007 11:51:46 -0700 (PDT)
From: "michael keenan"
Subject: Re: What a conspiracy. You sound like a Claremont 400
To: "Claremont Buzz"

Dear Claremont Buzz...,

It would appear currently that Congress and the Supreme Court are at odds and that this is even more complicated and complex. Bear in mind that even the coauthor of prop 215 admits that medical marijuana should be rescheduled on the federal list.


Decision by Supreme Court

My support for a non-profit clinic is based on my belief that "we (Claremont) should relieve as many as we can." Thomas Jefferson once admitted that he had almost been taken in by the aristocratic lifestyle in France and that his “head” has made him do wrong. What about the “poor wearied soldier… with that pack on his back that begged us to let him get up behind our chariot,” Heart reminds. Head has calculated that “the road is full of soldiers, and that if all should be taken up our horses would fail in their journey. We drove on therefore.” Realizing that a wrong had been committed Heart counters “that though we cannot relieve all the distressed we should relieve as many as we can.” (My emphasis) Unable to return and find the “poor wearied soldier,” Heart laments “and from that moment to this I could never find him out to ask his forgiveness.”

I stand by my position and give ClaremontInsider permission to use my name, Michael Keenan.

Happy Trails,
Michael Keenan