Claremont Insider: Reader Reacts to Reader

Monday, October 29, 2007

Reader Reacts to Reader

The mailbag contained a reader's note in response to the reader mail we posted yesterday poking fun at the Claremont Courier's perceived lack of substance.

Yesterday's note seemed to strike a chord. This was the response:

Dear Buzz,

The comment you received today re: The Courier, expresses my feelings exactly. I have opened the last two issues hoping to see a unique take on the fires or other issues of local importance. What I have gotten is the "Claremont Unified School District Newsletter", and sadly this has been going on for some time. No investigative reporting on the trend to create an enormous number of apartments/condos/townhouses throughout the city in order to comply with the state mandated "fair share" of affordable housing. Why hasn't this became an issue?