Claremont Insider: Vulcan and Other News

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Vulcan and Other News

For what it's worth, Foothill Cities has noted that Vulcan Materials Co., the Alabama-based aggregate mining company that wants to mine on 500-plus acres in Northeast Claremont, has been named one of the most admired building materials companies in America by Fortune.

Fortune gave Vulcan a top score for "social responsibility." So, it's possible that in court arguments and in arguments before the state's Mining and Geology Board, Vulcan might have some ready-made answers to Claremont's charges that the Vulcan proposal is environmentally irresponsible.

Claremonters Against Strip Mining (CASM) may be sweating a bit.


A nod to our friends at Eye Level Pasadena, who've linked to us, and who write of interesting places and events in the City of Roses.


The Los Angeles Times today had a Column One article on blogging. Power to the people!