Harvey Mudd College, the local institution for propeller-heads and other nerdy types has just made the Forbes.com list of the nation's top ten most expensive institutions of higher learning, garnering honors in the Number 7 spot.
2. Columbia University, $54,385
3. Bard College, $54,275
4. Wesleyan University, $53,976
5. Vanderbilt, $53,660
6. University of Chicago, $53,604
7. Harvey Mudd College, $53,588
8. Trinity College, $53,380
9. Georgetown University, $53,340
10. Bates College, $53,300
Observant readers might note in the screenshot above, that Forbes has the enrollment wrong at 200 students (that might have been the enrollment forty years ago), and you wonder what else they are not getting right.

Education, along with health care, has sported the highest rate of price increases of any sector of the economy for decades. By our admittedly crude and offhand calculation, the Claremont Colleges have raised prices by an average of something like 7.25 %, compounded, over at least a generation. The CPI increase over the same period has been "only" 4.4%. So institutions like President Klawe's have been inflating their prices about 65 percent faster than the economy as a whole.

Too bad the institution President Klawe runs, Harvey Mudd College, won't have to participate in paying for the school measure she supports because non-profits, such as the colleges and some of the retirement homes in town, are exempted from paying property taxes.