The City's website reports that the Metropolitan Water District, which supplies about half the water to Claremont, will close its F. E. Weymouth Treatment Plant in La Verne for seismic retrofitting for 10 days in March. The MWD is asking residents to voluntarily reduce outdoor water usage during the closure.
Here's what the City's website had to say about the closure:
Residents Asked To Reduce Outdoor Water Usage March 18-27
The Metropolitan Water District has announced it will be closing its Weymouth Water Plant for repair in March. The Weymouth Water Plant is a major water treatment plant in La Verne that supplies water to 1.7 million Metropolitan Water District Customers. Claremont residents receive imported water from the plant through Three Valleys Water. Beginning March 4 the plant will reduce production of water and will stop completely from March 18 through March 27. Claremont residents are asked to reduce their outdoor water usage during the closure period. Residents should are encouraged to limit watering, hand washing vehicles, filling swimming pools, and hosing down driveways. The plant will be at full capacity by April 17, 2011.
Back when the City was still considering a municipal control of the water company, the League of Women Voters for the Claremont Area issued a report on water issues.
The report carried a useful graphic that showed how water gets to your tap in Claremont: