CUSD ENDORSEMENTSThe Claremont Courier is out with its endorsement for the Claremont Unified School District Board of Education election the coming Tuesday.
The Courier article endorses Elizabeth Bingham and Barbara Miller. The Courier's website hasn't posted it's Saturday edition.
We think we've solved the mystery of who Claremont's anonymous blogger is.
Compare the letter to this blog post from the Insider:
Those Preserve Claremont folks and their associated group, Claremont Business PAC, mucked up the 2005 City Council election with false, libelous campaign ads but have been awfully silent this time around. They were really the militant arm of the Claremont 400. Do you think they have gone away?
If this were the typical Preserve Claremont ("Claremonsters")campaign, we'd expect them to come out with a last minute, full-page attack ad in the Claremont Courier on Saturday, November 3rd.The ad would single out one of other the candidates (call that person Candidate Z) and would make a bunch of false accusations. They would pick this coming Saturday because it would be too late for Candidate Z to respond before next Tuesday's election.
They would also have someone like Judy Wright - their past ghost writer of choice - gin up a slew of letters to send to the Courier and the Daily Bulletin stressing the very same talking points as their ad.
Almost word-for-word, ergo L. Acosta = Claremont Insider.