If you see the Claremont Courier, you know what the reader below is talking about (and we try to provide some context in what follows):Utter ridiculousness at the dog park
Wednesday, April 1, 2009 11:14 AM
To:"Claremont Insider"
"But here's the truth, Davey Null got his law degree from La Verne, and he hasn't held a valid Bar card since 1989. Additionally, he signs his name as a resident of Claremont. The truth is that records show Davey lives in a 958 sq. ft. house in Pomona. It is what it is, and there is nothing wrong with that. No one likes a pompous, self-righteous "wanna be," Davey."
Although it is funny that someone is lying about where he lives and where he went to school, does anyone in Claremont really need to know the square footage of his house?
For this reason, I love the Courier letters page....
We had been watching this and wondered if it ever was going to end.
It seems to have started not even three weeks ago
David Null Letter
We were left wonder, were the cops called on this? There are many loose ends here, not the least of which is part about being "bitten badly on the left hand". Don't they check the offending dog for rabies when that happens?
And then this one from a Gina Ortiz throwing in against intact dogs at the dog park and also opining that residents of Ontario and Pomona are not lowlifes.
Gina Ortiz Letter
And then this one from the wife of the bulldog owner, alleging racism on David Null's part. She is not on script with the later story of her husband (see below) that Mr. Null sucker-punched the husband. Also, and we are not the ones to figure it out, this appears to be the beginning of the bulldog morphing into a pit bull. Aren't they different animals?
Laura Encinas Letter
Probably the gem of the whole sequence of letters thus far is this one from Bernard Karmatz (later referred to more familiarly as "Bernie" by Mr. Reyes.) Although we agree with some of what he says, who wouldn't? His letter goes on and on and on for 14 paragraphs touching almost every point of dispute, contention, or public policy related to The Incident.
Bernard Karmatz letter
Sensing that this discussion has run it's course, the Courier precedes these last two letters (below), which appeared on Saturday, March 26, with this editorial dictum: "The following letters are written by the two parties involved in the conflict at Pooch Park recently. The COURIER would like to alert readers that this will be the last series of letters printed on the incident. Letters relating to the conditions and care of Pooch Park are welcomed."
In the first, David Null tries rather lamely to tamp things down by stating, "I live in west Pomona on a street where I live in harmony with my mostly Latino and African-American neighbors, none of whom are low-lifes." Thanks for the clarification.
And finally, the last word, and an effort that really can't be improved. In this letter Mr. Reyes brings on the whole gang and homeboy vibe, referring to "mooching turf" and his adversary "dropping" law school and Oxford like some elitist. It is in this letter that he claims that Mr. Null sucker-punched him, a seemingly relevant fact unmentioned earlier (above, Laura Encinas letter, by his wife when she recounts Null's violent acts). He doesn't like it that the aforementioned Bernard Karmatz "fire[d] a letter out of your bottom, and not your mouth" We suspect, here, that "bottom" is a euphemism, but aren't sure. We love his ending, where, after referring to David Null as "Davey" and Bernard Karmatz as "Bernie" in a way that we don't read as very respectful, he says, "I like to think of myself as a family man who is respectful to others..."
Leonardo Reyes Letter
Unlike the sensible Courier, we think that so long as these people are writing trash, they at least aren't tossing punches or shooting up neighborhoods. Bring it on in the Interwebs. Send us your comments, and if they are coherent, we will keep throwing gasoline on the fire here. (We should note that Courier reporter Tony Krickl addressed this issue on his Citybeat Blog last Friday. And he does have a comment section, as yet unused.)