We came across an odd bit of crime news yesterday.
The Daily Bulletin had an article about the theft of a crystal skull from a Claremont New Age shop called Kindred Spirits.
The article said the skull had been on loan to the shop from its owner, Seal Beach resident Don Marr. The skull had been in the Claremont store for four months without incident, but now it has mysteriously disappeared.
Marr, who named the object Solar Ray, described the skull's unusual history in the Bulletin article:
Solid quartz crystal skulls such as Solar Ray are believed by some to have spiritual significance, attributed to their age and the rare material they are made out of.
Most skulls are believed to originate in Brazil, and some believe they were hand-made hundreds or thousands of years ago over several generations, Marr said.
The legend surrounding the largest of the crystal skulls is that they were produced by people from Atlantis and buried in Central and South America before the collapse of Atlantis, Marr said.
If all are collected, the skulls - believed to number about a dozen - will reveal a seemingly infinite amount of information, Marr said.
"There will be a time in human history when they will be found," Marr said. "Then the true story about their origins will come out. It's almost like the consciousness is not ready to receive information of this ilk yet."
The legend surrounding the skulls has been incorporated into the plot of the forthcoming fourth installment of the Indiana Jones film series.
If only Professor Jones were here to find the crystal skull and save the day. But wait! Claremont McKenna College has its own professor skilled at the restitution of lost treasures, porkpie hat and bullwhip at the ready to track down the stolen artifact, slip in the bag of sand as a counterweight onto the booby-trapped platform holding the skull, and escape the collapsing cave by the skin of his teeth: