We provide here a directory of posts relating to the "Ellen Taylor Cookie Monster" story, for all of the new readers we are seeing as a result of the LA Times article. Listing is chronological from the beginning:
Our first post. See the second half. March 17, 2008
"Wonder Ellen and the Justice League of Women Voters", wherein Wonder Ellen intervenes against youthful criminals possessed of magic biscuits.
"More Reader Mail". The cookie incident is mentioned briefly.
A Reader writes, and we are reminded that Ellen threw around her city rank of "deputy mayor" (probably a problem with a repeated story; actually, Mayor Pro Tem at the time). How would the girl scout leader have known this if Ellen hadn't threatened them?
LA Times Blog picks up the Ellen story, March 21, 2008Tough Cookie Taylor.
Queen Ellen Ascends the Throne. More feedback on her behavior.
"Cookie Monster" coined by Foothill Cities Blog
Ellen Gets More Attention. Contains a reference to coverage in a KNBC blog, and a letter in the Courier thanking Ellen for dealing with the "serious Girl Scout problem."
A Summary of the Situation to date (April 8, 2008). VIDEO of Ellen's apology.
Local News Briefs mentions the council taking up the solicitation ordinance, last part of post. (April 24, 2008)
Scofflaw: the backstory to the "Wrong Way Ellen" moniker.
Wrong Way Ellen.
Claremont Courier letter writer and Insider email connect solicitation ordinance to the Girl Scout Cookie incident.
Jeff Parker clarifies solicitation ordinance. First Rule of Holes: When you are in one, stop digging.
Ellen's refined taste in art; the backstory to the "fixture" post.
LA Times article hits the street, page 1, below the fold, Saturday, July 19,2008
Clarifications to LA Times Article.
Meg's Take at M-M-M-My Pomona. Did we "beat it to death", or merely flood the zone?
Commentary on LA Times Article at LAIST
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Ellen Taylor Cookie Monster Directory of Posts for Visitors
Posted by
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Labels: Ellen Taylor, Girl Scouts