Claremont Insider: Ring Day

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Ring Day

As the Diann Ring Watch in the left-hand margin reminds us,tomorrow will mark the one-year anniversary since former Claremont Mayor Diann Ring accused this blog of publishing lies and made a thinly veiled threat of lawsuits against the Insider. Well, a year's gone by, and we're still standing.

City Attorney Sonia Carvalho took her best, laughable shot at shutting us down last year and failed. So, here we are, quite happily chugging along here on the digital highway.

In observation of anniversary, the shadowy cabal that runs the Insider has issued the following:


WHEREAS, May 22nd marks the one-year anniversary of Diann Ring's ill-considered attempt at prior restraint,

WHEREAS, the city of Claremont has failed in numerous attempts in the past at quelling free speech,

WHEREAS, Diann Ring has been in the past a foremost defender of the City's actions, no matter how wrongheaded,

WHEREAS, the public welfare and community-building are always advanced by remembering the errors of the past,

NOW THEREFORE the Insider Governing Board hereby proclaims May 21st to henceforth be known as


Celebrate Ring Day by speaking your mind. Don't be silenced or intimidated by those in power, and let them know what you think.

It is your government, after all.