Will Bigham reports in the Daily Bulletin that Three Valleys Municipal Water District finally got around to deleting boardmember Xavier Alvarez's biography from their website. According to Bigham's article:
Army veteran Rees Lloyd, of Banning, sent the water district a letter Friday demanding that it remove or modify Alvarez's biography.
After much of Alvarez's biography was discredited last year, the district added a disclaimer that the information was provided by individual board members.
Lloyd felt the district hadn't gone far enough. The biography, Lloyd wrote, "brings discredit to the American Legion and damages our good name and reputation."
The biography also included a false claim by Alvarez that he earned a bachelor of arts degree from Cal Poly Pomona. The school has no record of him attending.
We mentioned the Alvarez biography back on July 21st. Here is a before-and-after comparison: