A couple weeks ago we wrote about some of the criticisms the City of Claremont and the Claremont Chamber of Commerce have received regarding the way they have marketed Claremont. One Claremont Courier reader, Laura Jaoui, complained about the lack of response she'd received from the Claremont Village Expansion leasing people (Quackenbos-Bell and Nick Quackenbos, presumably).
Jaoui's letter prompted a response in last Saturday's Courier from Jonathan Tolkin at the Tolkin Group, the company that built and runs the Village Expansion. Tolkin wrote that he'd heard about Jaoui's letter and seemed to want to make amends:
Tolkin Group takes great efforts to return all telephone calls and email inquiries, and most importantly to carefully and diligently pursue all leasing inquiries. I would appreciate your being kind enough to pass along my contact information to Ms. Jaoui so that she can contact me, as Ms. Jaoui's phone number appears to be unpublished.
Maybe Tolkin might want to think about finding a different leasing agent, since that seems to have been one of the problems. Quackenbos may be a fine person if you're one of his fellow Claremont Rotarians, but if he or his business are costing the City prospective new businesses, we'd be better off looking elsewhere to find a leasing agent who has the time to return calls.