As the season of loving your neighbor begins, we'd like to share a few photos from today's "Shame on 8" rally in Memorial Park. In addition to the rally, there was a potluck, several speakers, a canned food drive, and a candlelight vigil for Harvey Milk (coinciding with the opening of "Milk" at the Claremont Laemmle).
Groups of families, college students (despite being in the throes of finals), parents pulling wagons of children, and miscellaneous Claremonters peacefully marched down Indian Hill. The Claremont police were there to hold back traffic at intersections and help the large group of marchers stay together.
The timing of the vigil also coincides with the controversial Newsweek issue, "The Religious Case for Gay Marriage."
The following truck, seen today parked outside a house just outside the Village, seems to advocate a different issue: "The Religous Case for Indoor Plumbing."