Some end-of-the-year mail, beginning with an announcement about a new yoga class for kids. The class will be held on Yale Ave. in the Claremont Village:
DATE: Sunday, December 28, 2008 5:57 PM
SUBJECT: Info about a kids yoga class coming to Claremont
TO: Claremont Buzz
Hi Claremont Insider,
Beginning January 8, 2009, there will a weekly kids yoga class at Om Sweet Om (204 N. Yale, Claremont). The class, which will meet Thursdays from 4:30 – 5:30 PM, will be open to kiddos age 6 and older. The cost per session per child is $10 ($6 per class additional for parent participants). Classes will incorporate games, song, and make-believe to develop healthy bodies, creative minds, and peaceful spirits.Dress comfortably; no mat or experience necessary.
Contact kidsyogainfoatgmaildotcom for answers to any questions.
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Then there was this end-of-the-year note from another reader:
DATE: Friday, December 26, 2008 11:38 AM
SUBJECT: Thank You Insider
TO: Claremont Buzz
Dear Claremont Buzz,
As 2008 comes to a close, I want to thank the Insider staff (Buzz, root2, Joslyn Jane and ?) for informing us, through out the year, about the goings-on in our "fair" city of Claremont. Who knows how our city will be faring on in the next year and beyond, given the current economic turmoil, but I hope to count on the Insider to keep us informed as events unfold. Keep up the good work, Insider!
Thanks, Dear Reader, for the vote of confidence. We'll try to keep at in the coming year. There'll certainly be no lack of things to cover, from the economy to the upcoming city election to the day-to-day happenings in our fair city, as you say.