Some Claremont Courier copy editor sure has a sense of humor:
From the Claremont Courier, 1/9/10
A behind-the-scenes look at the news of Claremont, CA. We focus on city hall, city staff, and the so-called "Claremont 400" or "Preserve Claremonters" or "Claremonsters", those goofy, too-serious, power types that run most of the town's service organizations, charities, and city commissions. Claremont is indeed a unique place, and we'll try to bring a flavor of that absurd "uniqueness" to the outside world, as well as spotlighting some of the finer things about our city and region.
Posted by Claremont Buzz at Saturday, February 06, 2010
Labels: City of Claremont, Claremont Heritage, Judy Wright, Sacred Cows